
Compliance has become the competitive differentiator in today's collection industry. Clients want companies which can collect as much money as possible, while staying well within the bounds of collection litigation. Collecting the right way leads to collecting more clients.

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Stand up, Before it's too late

By Aaron Reiter • February 22, 2019

Proposed regulations that increase hurdles for the collection industry to operate effectively are being proposed at both state and federal levels. Contact your legislative representative now to be heard. The collection industry is legitimate and deserves legislative respect and support.

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No single person has the best answers or guidance for employee development. Bringing experts across the spectrum of experience and training will help employees grow and flourish - translating to job satisfaction and professional confidence. Tap into industry resources like CollectorLive!

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Happy New Year to the ARM Industry! Now is the time for resolutions - personal and professional. Take some time to make formal professional goals for the year to accommodate the big changes we anticipate from the regulatory agencies overseeing the collection industry. Take a minute to read more!

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Who doesn't love a good play on words? While we are just about through the holiday season, TAX SEASON is quickly approaching and it is a magical time for the debt collection industry. Make sure you are prepared for this wonderful time of year by making your preparations!

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Very few things will undermine office culture in your collection agency like gossip. Get ahead of that behavior to ensure this important culture-killer is eliminated before it begins or gets out of hand.

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Collection agencies are rarely early technology adopters, but those that drop legacy platforms in favor of modern software platforms can no longer be called early adopters - now they're just being competitive and protecting their business. Take the plunge into modernity!

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Debt collection agencies are under constant competitive pressure and clients are getting more savvy about what the market has to offer. Client portals, performance reports, file uploads, and compliance tools are available to those agencies that invest in their business. Don't get left behind!

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A recent TCPA ruling determined that any device that stores telephone numbers to be called regardless of number generation capabilities, constitutes and automated dialing system, expanding the definition of an autodialer and throwing the ARM industry into even greater confusion on the topic.

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Technologies like text messaging, voicemail drops, virtual agents, chatbots, and IVR are changing debt collection strategies. While regulations struggle to keep up, technology is ready to help agencies or departments launch into the future right now.

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