There’s a great line in the movie, “Grosse Pointe Blank.” Jeremy Piven, who is playing a real estate agent, is complaining about having to show a house to a prospective buyer again. He refers to the newlyweds as having a “decision-making disorder,” because they are afraid to take the plunge and make such a big purchase.
That same fear can sometimes paralyze collection agency executives as well. Faced with the prospect of having to make a significant investment in a new technology or hardware. For example, there are still collection agencies out there using old-school phones and have not upgraded to soft phones or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phones. One of the primary reasons why those agencies have not done so is a reluctance to spend the kind of money that it costs to upgrade the technology. But while the initial investment may be significant, the benefits that are recouped down the line will far outweigh the investment. The technology scales easily and can save collection agencies a lot of money in reduced phone expenses over the life of the technology.

If you allow yourself to slow down just for a moment, you'll see people are moving faster than ever before. If collection agencies want to keep pace, they have to start moving faster as well. The days of only sending letters and making phone calls being the most effective collection strategies are getting harder to make out in the rearview mirror.
Collection agencies don’t have to jump ahead to the leading edge of technology, no one is asking you all to be an "early adopter". However, it is time to be more aggressive in identifying ways technology can save money and improve recovery rates - moving to a modern platform is no longer early adopter territory - now it's just smart business. Clients are beginning to demand it. Consumers are beginning to demand it. How long can you go before you can’t afford not to evolve?