A hobby of travel experiences with a target to visit at least one National Park every year while...
The Artist Among Us
Some people experience the world through creation and Karen Riomondo is one of them. Our customers who know her probably worked with her to implement their system setups as their Business Analyst and Project Manager.
Karen shared that she paints for "pretty much one reason," namely because she finds it "very soothing and relaxing." Referring to painting as a "guilty pleasure", Karen finds herself able to shut the world out and take time for herself with a paintbrush in her hand.
The isolation of COVID gave her the opportunity to revisit the hobby and since then, she's created many works of art. You will find a selection of pieces in the slides below. Nearly all of Karen's art is given away to family and friends because she finds the joy in creating the art and sharing it with her favorite people.
Most recently, she has enjoyed painting 6" X 6" canvases of single flowers, two examples of which you can see below. Lately, she has taken to painting the smaller canvases because she gets her painting fix but can knock out a completed painting in a couple hours.
"All of my degrees are in the fine arts. Art feeds the soul but it does not pay the rent."
Those who know Karen appreciate her relentless organization, meticulous nature and task-oriented work ethic, but she has the heart of an artist and embraces the messy, subjective world of acrylic paint. This passion for creation gives her life a necessary balance and the kind of depth of character we are drawn to as a corporate culture.
I started Demic (work in progress sunflower mural) near the beginning of Covid lockdowns. I needed a big project to help keep my mind off all that was going on in the world. I chose sunflowers because it reminded me of my grandmother but really the subject didn't matter because I was going to cut it up anyway. The piece represents the Covid pandemic to me - Covid took what was beautiful and normal and ordered and turned it upside down and switched it all up but you could still see the original pieces of life and recognize them for what they once were. For me everything was still there, it was just in a different place or worked differently. I tried to represent that. Originally I was titling it Pandemic but chose the root word (meaning "of a people") because it seemed like the Covid pandemic in the United States was unique and included so much political upheaval.
Do you have a similar passion? Share your comments here!